Lighting, socket circuits Dimming LED point reflector sources (MR16) The dimmer C-DM-0006M-ULED can also dim low voltage dimmable reflector sources, e.g. LED SUPERSTAR MR16 12 V advanced. These LED sources are connected... Lighting, socket circuits An example of wiring a power LED strip over a longer distance to C-DM-0006M-ULED The C-DM-0006M-ULED module is designed for a DIN rail mounting. Likewise, the power supply for the LEDs (e.g. DR-60-12) is designed to be installed in... Lighting, socket circuits Dimming RGB, monochrome and two-colour LED strips For continuous brightness control of LED strips with 12 V or 24 VDC nominal voltage there is the C-DM-0006M-ULED module.Maximum current in one output is... Lighting, socket circuits LED dimming, 12 V, 24 V voltage control Voltage controlled LEDs are known as commonly used LED strips. The most common are LED strips with 12 VDC nominal voltage, either monochrome or two-colour,... Lighting, socket circuits Switching the lighting – 230 VAC incandescent bulbs , 12 VDC incandescent bulbs The diagram shows the wiring of the C-OR-0008Mmodule, which switches various types of loads - from incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes to the 12 V source... Lighting, socket circuits Switching a common source with independent control of several LED strips If you want to use a more powerful 230 VAC/12 VDC supply for powering several LEDs (e.g. strips) and separate switching of individual strips is also required... Lighting, socket circuits Switching of external switching power supplies for LED power supplies (voltage and current). The following example shows the switching of light sources with capacitive load character - commonly used MW LPV-35-12 sources (35W, 12VDC). At the moment... Lighting, socket circuits Switching light sources 230 VAC, module C-LC-0202B To control 230VAC lights, we have a specialized module C-LC-0202B, designed to control two lights and place them in an installation box near the light... Lighting, socket circuits Switching light sources 230 VAC, module C-OR-0011M-800 The most universal module for switching light circuits is C-OR-0011M-800. This module is equipped with 11 relay outputs with a 16 A switching contact,... Lighting, socket circuits Switching of LED lighting, light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, etc. Switching of light circuits, resp. The individual types of 230 VAC light sources have their own specifics, which have changed significantly recently. With... … 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 …