Technical information about Foxtrot basic modules (parameters on terminals, relay output parameters, etc.) CP-2080 The basic module CP-2080 is the basic module of the Foxtrot 2 control system. It is in standard version on DIN rail, in 6M cover (for dimensions of box... CP-2000 The CP-2000 is the simplest version of the basic home installation module. The base module is powered by a 24 VDC power supply. Both CIB branches... CP-2007 The basic module CP-2007 is the basic module of the Foxtrot control system of the second generation. It is in standard version on DIN rail, in 9M cover... CP-2005 The basic module CP-2005 is the basic module of the Foxtrot 2 control system. It is in standard version on DIN rail, in 6M cover (for dimensions of box... Submodules MR-0130 - MR-0134 - serial channels Removable submodules can contain serial channels or common inputs and outputs. They act essentially as additional peripheral modules connected directly... FIRST INTRODUCTION TO TECOMAT FOXTROT 2 PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLERS The TECOMAT FOXTROT 2 programmable controllers represent a new generation of control systems based on the previous TECOMAT FOXTROT series. These are small... … 3 4 5 6 7