The CFox temperature sensor in the ABB, C-IT-0200R-Time design The version for ABB designs, e.g. the sensor C-IT-0200R-Time, order number TXN 133 19.01, Time white-white. The price list includes variants of ABB designs... The CFox temperature sensor design according to the electrical installation, the C-IT-0200R- A number of designs can use wall-mounted temperature sensors. The module is always manufactured in the respective electrical design and it includes an... Measuring the interior temperature The interior temperature is usually measured by a temperature sensor mounted on the wall of the room. The highest quality of the measurements is achieved... HUBS, TERMINAL BOARDS FOR 1-WIRE ELEMENTS For the C-1W-4000M module for correct connection and topology of the 1-wire bus when installing temperature sensors you can use bus hubs in various... 1-WIRE TEMPERATURE SENSORS You can use temperature sensors in various mechanical designs for the C-1W-4000M module, which are manufactured and supplied by FIRVENA s.r.o. Brief overview... Connection of 1-wire sensors to the Foxtrot system 1-WIRE – Introduction 1-Wire is a bus designed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp. for device communication at low data rate, signaling and... 1 2 3