Installation, securing 16.03.2020 18:05 16.03.2020 18:05

If the system controls power elements with inductive character (valves, contactors, larger relays, smaller motors, etc.), you should always ensure the most effective suppression of formation and radiation of interference field. Therefore a suppression element should always be mounted directly on the terminals of the switched element. The cables between the suppression element and the protected device must be as short as possible.

Fig. 1. An example of connecting the suppression element to the load



  1. Always install the suppression components as close to the load (the interference source) as possible.

  2. Suitable suppressor elements are described in the following tables.


Table .1: Recommended methods of handling the inductive load.

Nominal voltage



Wiring diagram of the element

The voltage on the load curve

DC and AC :


24 VDC

24 VAC

230 VAC

The most commonly used, less suitable if the network is bad, the drawback of ageing.


DC and AC :


24 VDC

24 VAC

230 VAC

Universal usage for a larger range of voltages, suitable for bad networks.

RC member



24 VDC



Only for DC circuits, drop-out delay of the protected relay should be counted with (dozens of ms); it can be mitigated by a resistor in a series.



When selecting varistors, you should use the type for the appropriate nominal voltage of the circuit (e.g. at 24 VAC, a varistor for 45 VAC voltage must be used). There are sets of varistors available ready to use for standard voltage values. For the list of the sets, see Table .2.

For certain voltages and load currents it is possible to calculate the optimum values of resistor and capacitor, that each RC element consists of (a diagram for the calculation is shown in Fig. 2).

Typical applications with the Foxtrot systems are supported with ready-to-use sets. The RC elements are provided for a greater range of voltage, and they are already encased with two wire outlets for immediate use.

They are mostly used for interference suppression of relay coils and contactors. Standard diodes (e.g.1N4007) can be used for typical currents of dozens of mA.


A diagram to determine the value of the RC element.

Using a graph, it is possible to determine the values of RC members for a specific circuit parameters.

Fig. 2. A diagram to determine the value of the RC member


The value of C follows directly from the switched current (the left axis).

The value of R can be found by leading a straight line through the respective points of I axis of the U curve; the value of resistance should be subtracted at the intersection of the line with the R axis (the right axis).

The measured or estimated value of the overvoltage resulting from the switching off the circuit with an inductive load (typically 2÷5 times nominal voltage) should be substituted as the U voltage value.


An example: U = 90 V, I = 1 A

What follows for the condenser capacitance is the value 0.1 µF; the resistance value can be determined by a straight line drawn to 10 Ω.


This method is too complicated for common applications, so we supply directly the RC members that suit most applications (contactors, valves, etc.). Their summary in listed in the Table. 2.


Tab. 2. A diagram to determine the value of the RC member


The order number

Table of contents

Nominal voltage of the load

The interference suppression set

TXF 680 00

8x varistor

24 VDC, 24 VAC

The interference suppression set

TXF 680 01

8x varistor

48 VDC, 48 VAC

The interference suppression set

TXF 680 02

8x varistor

115 VAC

The interference suppression set

TXF 680 03

8x varistor

230 VAC

The interference suppression set

TXF 680 04

8x RC member

24 ÷ 48 VDC, 24 ÷ 48 VAC

The interference suppression set

TXF 680 05

8x RC member

115 ÷ 230 VAC


Tab. 3. The parameters of varistors used in interference suppression sets

the energy that can be captured by the I2t varistor

(t is the duration of the blanking pulse in ms)

< 80

current in varistor I

< 25 A

medium value of power loss P

< 0.6 W